Have You Made A Difference In Your Community!
We are looking to expand our Brand Ambassadorial team further.
If you are in the West Midlands, Nairobi Kenya, Mogadishu Somalia, Karachi Pakistan, Mumbai India, Manilla Philippines and Cardiff Wales please contact admin@mtmawards.co.uk.
This is a voluntary position that has some exciting opportunities and benefits.
- People that are well placed in business & communities
- They help to build awareness and sponsorship opportunities.
- They help spread the word and engage with the award’s vision.
- They advocate the MTM Awards and spearhead or vision.
- They encourage and enhance the BAME communities through recognition and self-respect
- They are our role models across the country spreading our message of; celebrating the excellence & achievements of the Asian, Black & Ethnic communities.
The choice of MTM Ambassadors is competitive as we grow.
This coveted title is open to all and embodies the crème de la crème who support, engage & create awareness of the MTM Awards in their regions.