Open Awards category questionnaire

Step 1 of 2
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather essential information to enable the panel to evaluate you or your organisation. This form must be fully completed; failure to do so will result in you or your organisation being withdrawn from the MTM Awards – Season 11. Please ensure you fully complete and submit your questionnaire ONLINE by SUNDAY 24th September 2023. , along with any background information you feel will help us to understand you/ your organisation better e.g. links to brochures, press articles, you tube etc. We do not use this information for any third-party marketing and clear all records after each competition is completed.
Congratulations on your nomination! Please complete the following questionnaire to help us better understand your achievements, impact, and vision. Your responses will be considered in the evaluation process for the award. 1. National Award for Excellence & Achievement – Celebrating Extraordinary Impact on Community Unity 2. National Positive Role Model Award – Celebrating Inspirational Exemplars. 3. Environmental Excellence Award – Recognising Outstanding Environmental Stewardship. 4. International Award for Excellence – Celebrating Global Impact and Empowerment